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The Team

Delta 11 "Striker"

Loadout: Rifleman


Job: Alpha Security


Primary: M-4S


-Probably the most versatile member on the team, "Striker" has gone through several loadout configurations. With the many pouches strewn all over his body, he has had upwards of 6 grenades at any one time, ranging from toy "ticking" grenades, to smoke grenades, to sound-flash Thunder B's. He constantly pushes the team further technologically, always looking for next upgrade or new toy to use in the field. 

Delta 13 "Lynx"

Loadout: Designated Marksman


Job: Alpha Team Lead


Primary: SCAR-H DMR/ UMP 45


-Aptly named for his "5 mile" flank ending up at Lynx Lake, "Lynx" is by far the stealthiest of the team to date. He often prefers to run with the least amount of gear of his loadout as possible, sometimes going out with as little as his rifle and a spare magazine onto the field. As the leader he is often in charge of training and teaching the procedures for different maneuvers. This comes naturally from his experience in Army ROTC. 


Delta 17 "Romeo"

Loadout: Automatic Rifleman


Job: Alpha Security


Primary: G-36C/M-27


-Named only for the fact that he was the only original member with a girlfriend, "Romeo" rouds out Alpha team. With the preference towards masks, especially those with skulls and teeth painted on them, Romeo is the more faceless operator on the team. Often attempting to use his appearance as an intimidation factor when on the field. Like the others he is always working to take new members in and make them feel welcomed and part of the team. 

Delta 16 "Ratchet"

Loadout: Rifleman


Job: Alpha SIC/Spotter


Primary: M-16


-The comedic relief on the team, "Ratchet" rounds out the team in many ways. With a couple years of U.S. Navy experience under his belt, he knows how to be serious when it matters and cocky when it counts. That aside, he is one smooth operator and can easily be the non-existent shadow of whoever he follows. On top of all that, he is the teams mechanic who is trusted to tune, fix, and upgrade the teams weapons. 

Delta 21 "Squirrel"

Loadout: Marksman


Job: Bravo SIC


Primary: UAR/M-24


-Our resident Texan. Initially called "Blackjack" for his choise in squad number and other obvious reasons, he quickly made a name for himself after scurrying up a tree and blending in perfectly for an ambush. This ultimately lead to his current callsign, "Squirrel". Being the only member of the team carrying a bolt action rifle, he has quickly adapted to being able to blend in quite well and ambush at various ranges.

Delta 16 "Wiki"

Loadout: Rifleman


Job: Bravo Security/Spotter


Primary: M-4


-"Wiki" is the wildcard of the team, and not in a bad way. He can be whatever you need in a moments time and enjoys doing a variety of jobs on the team. One moment he's a spotter, lying in the brush with one of our marksmen, the next he's bounding through the brush laying down suppressive fire. He hasn't  picked a specialty quite yet, but that hasn't stopped him from being good at whatever he's had to do. 

Delta 69 "Chief"

Loadout: Rifleman


Job: Bravo Team Lead


Primary: M-4


-Despite being one of the newer members, "Chief" has already taken to a mentoring role on the team. He is the eldest, an expert diver, trained as an EMT, and generally knows what he's talking about 90% of the time. Due to his ambition and passion towards the team, he has already taken up an officer's position and is looking forward to bettering the team in the future. Not much is actually known about him, but he gives off the feeling of someone you can trust with your life.

Delta 23 "Batman"

Loadout: Rifleman


Job: Bravo Breacher


Primary: M-4


-The quiet member of the team. We don't know too much about "Batman", but he lets his actions speak louder than his words. He showed up ready to go with more than the necessary gear and went right at it, tackling any obstacle we threw at him and following every instruction to a tee. He has seamlessly molded into the group and I look forward to getting to know him better and seeing what he's made of. The most we've heard him talk is the night he got his callsign after he had lost his voice and someone told him to say "I'm Batman". He did, and it was so funny it stuck immediatly.

Delta 61 "Gears"

Loadout: Rifleman


Job: Bravo Security


Primary: M-4S


-The only non-Embry-Riddle member of the team so far, "Gears" has quickly made a name for himself as a reliable, verstile, and adaptive member of the team. Coming from a military highschool, he joined us with many stories to tell and insight to give. He is quick to pick up any new ideas we throw at him and knack for crafting things with paracord. Being the first, I hope he isn't the only person that we can bring in from the surrounding town, because he is a testimate that any of them can be just as good as any of us.

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